Let's Go(go)... Beyond 140... [Then, hopefully, Well beyond that...]
...it's your choice, really.
You can find me here and there, but the best places to connect these days...
OR just up n' email me :-)
...still your your choice, REALLY.
Dear friend, yes, That's You!So, what's on at the gogo right now? Here's a randomly sampled and woefully outdated listing of the handful of the properties and projects the gogo management (or co-management) team is either working on, or hurriedly trying to catch-up on...
If you've landed here looking for some background a resumé perhaps, an idea of the style, stats & details about gogo, I suggest that you click on through to one of these, or the other...
It will take a little effort on your part, but you will find chunks of my history; a smattering spaltter of less than half finished this's and that's and a growing mountain of clumsily written stories of accomplishment, failure, even a few tall tales of absolute wipe outs.
IF you decided to stay here, on this page a while, you'll find a growing pile of "stuff" about the things I'm currently doing and thinking of doing... (SEE BELOW) Conceptually, philosophically even (?)... I believe all of this social, digital, internet and/or online business has essentially become, how we _______________ (insert any number of terms to describe interact) these days. How we publish, promote, keep in touch and influence each other. There is no one single this is. I do not believe in "social" apps, "social" marketing, "social" media... it's all rather social, so let's drop the "social". This space is where we read, where we write; where we listen, talk, sing... entertain ourselves... and of course, do our business. ...almost 25 years into all of this. I've basically stopped being concerned, and stopped spinning wildly on what all this can do, oh, sure it does lots, has great potential and is great coffee-shop-convo, but truly, I'd rather be focussed on simply DOING... it. And, by now you must know, you'll never ever hear me say it's easy, but I will always remind you that, it is simple... I must be simple. That's right, dead simple, but only if you stop & think... about it... and go "Beyond 140" Cheers Gordon Gower
Chief GoGo'er • Director of Sentimental Capitalism at... GoGo Consulting ![]() BEST VIEWED ON ANY OLD TABLET - optimized for PORTRAIT MODE doncha know
current project[s]...
[left woe-fully-incomplete... for now]
...and then some cluttered pages pointing to a few of the things I'm doing "a way on the side" these days. Mere snippets of the swirling ongoing investigation into the "mad-house" of so-callled social offerings that have been made available to "do stuff" with all... this. (exhale)
is an Attempt to make this all a little bit better than it's been
Social? is it only in the numbers? Or is it in the attitude? Does the success of a social strategy, tactic, campaign or platform lay solely in sheer volume? Are we here to push content and collect data or are we here to effect behaviour?
There is no one answer, is there. ...and perhaps you'll agree that the "AND" is far mightier than the "OR". I've found myself "collecting projects"... Projects I believe could be wonderful platforms, solid and successful businesses. AND having moved well beyond those fresh faced, head full of swirling grandiose ideas years, I am fully aware that each of these projects are in themselves, "meaningless without the money". As ideas, though, taking them beyond the mere thought bubble is immeasurably valuable.... I've come to appreciate that quite often a simmered stew with a side of mashed potatoes can be far more satisfying than a fast fried or flame broiled steak. So how do we use social to... explore the opportunity to opening our... MINDs